Things language teachers want you to know

Your child IS learning

Your child understands and knows more than you realize

Language is more than words!

We want to connect children to the people, culture and history behind the words they learn

Learning a language is a lifelong process

Mastering a language requires years of continuous exposure and practice

There is a method to the madness

It may look like fun and games, but it is carefully structured language input

We appreciate your help!

Any contact with the language your child is learning helps. We are happy to recommend songs and books that can embed the language into your child's routine

Benefits of learning a new language go beyond the language

Languages change the way we see and experience the world. Different languages embed how that culture sees and experiences the world.

We understand there is more to your child's life than learning a new language

We care about your child, if there are things we need to know to help your child learn better, please let us know!

Its worth the work!

Your child will thank you!