Refund Policy

Workshops and Events

Cancellation time Refund
Cancellation 48 hrs prior to the event 100% refund, less 2% - 3% transaction charges
Post event - Unable to attend Cupon to attend the next event or a similar event
50% of amount paid less 2%-3% transaction charges
Post event - Attended the event No refund
Please write to us at
We will address your grievances and arrive at an amicable outcome

Tutoring fees

Cancellation time Refund
Turnaround time to process the refund is 3 to 7 business days.
Cancellation without attending any sessions Refund less the transaction fee
Our payment gateway charges are between 2%-3%, we will deduct this from the remitted amount and refund the rest

Cancellation in between sessions Refund remaining hours fee less transaction fee
Our payment gateway charges are between 2%-3%, we will deduct this from the balance amount and refund the rest

Cancellation after attending all classes No refund